Monday, January 2, 2012

What is Retirement?

During my 40's, I had it all...a new college education, a wonderful brand new home for myself and my daughter, a new career and of course a new husband who came with 8 children and bunches of grandchildren. Finding a new career was an exciting time in my life - about 15 years later than most career minded people but I got there with the help of my folks and other family members.

Thinking of retiring wasn't in my volcabulary back then and "somewhere down the road" I was going to retire, maybe when I was 65, hahaha. I don't think I ever wanted to retired. Sometimes peoples' plans don't coincide with God's plan for their lives and in this case, my life. I got laid off from the new career but God gave me another job and in this new job, I met a family who became life-long friends. Career-wise it wasn't the most demanding job, but I did enjoy it until God decided I should make another career move.

At 50 my husband and I made a decision maybe I needed more education so I took an accelerated Master's course and got an MBA. Who in their right mind would take a 2 year course in 18 months? Yep, ME!!! It wasn't easy but I graduated in a class starting out with 11 people and ending up with only 5 graduating on time. Those were crazy times but through this I got the job of my dreams in 2006. This job was demanding, but rewarding in its own way and soon I was part of an association where I sat on a Board of Directors and was considered a "high powered executive". The job also demanded I commute to Portland adding another layer of stress.

In 2009, only 3 years after receiving my dream job, I lost the job and was looking again for a new position utilizing my education and skills. Now honestly, who would hire someone in their 60's in an executive position? Not many people and, I found I would interview for a great position, but as soon as someone saw me, I would not get the job due to my age or disability (bad knees).

I started praying and asking, "God, if you want me to work, find me a job. If not, I guess I'll be retired." The job never came to fruition but applying for Social Security Disability was one outlet. I thought if I can't work, I'll see if I qualify for benefits. No one gets SSDI on their first try....that is except me. God was definitely telling me something about time to retire. I guess at that point, I needed an attitude adjustment regarding retirement.

So after all this, what is retirement? I've heard on the news there are approximately 2,000 baby boomers retiring every day. Is retirement all play, staying at home doing nothing, or just letting life slip by? I've come to the conclusion retirement is a new and exciting career change. I get to sleep in (don't have to be on the road to Portland by 5:30 every morning and don't have to plan meetings, be in charge of meetings, etc.), make anything I want for supper (doesn't matter how long it takes to cook - I have time), learning new hobbies to keep me busy, write a book, or even volunteering a few days a week.

I've learning to accept my limitations and embracing retirement albeit in a different sort of way. I volunteer at a home twice a week babysitting a wonderful baby, I'm learning to use a new sewing/embroidery machine and I'm working on my book, "Shelter from the Storm" which I hope to finish in 2012 (Lord willing). Maybe I'll even start a new book after the one I'm working on is finished. Who knows. But the main thing is I'm learning to be retired and not fighting it.

Now for the recipe from this "retired" person. I've acquired a taste for croissants from Williams Sonoma. These don't take any time except they do cost so here's the recipe.

Go to the website and hunt for food. Order one of the boxes of croissants. Follow the directions on the label and enjoy. Serve warm or use them as sandwich bread. These items were one of Oprah's favorite things she gave away every year on her show. Now that's taking it easy with being retired and cooking!! Have fun Baby Boomers retiring!!

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