Monday, November 15, 2010


In our family, Thanksgiving is more important than Christmas because its a time when our family gets together and enjoys each others' company without all the clutter and excitedness of gifts, and children running around on sugar plum highs.

Thinking about last year, the memories are bittersweet. I knew it would be the last time my parents would be able to come to Thanksgiving so I tried to make it an extra special day where everyone sat at the table and come together as a family. Mike's grandmother has an old antique table with 8 leaves and when they are all installed, the table looks like one of those old time tables where you picture one person sitting at each end with miles of space inbetween. My mom made the tradition of always having baby lima beans at Thanksgiving while my dad would always eat only pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream for dessert. Last year, mom said the lima beans were perfect. Dad didn't eat much but did finish off his small piece of pumpkin pie.

The recipe I'm sharing for Thanksgiving is a simple yet wonderful jello salad with a whipped cream topping. When family gets together for potlucks, the old tradition was that the newest bride would bring the jello salad. Pretty funny.

Pat's famous red jello salad

1 large box of raspberry jello
2 cups applesauce
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Make the jello according to the directions but only add half the water requested. When the jellow starts to set, add the applesauce and cinnamon. Let the jello set either in a mold or bowl. Top with real whipped cream - 1 cup whipping cream, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and a drop of vanilla. Whip until soft peaks form and top your jello salad. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.

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